Asesor Económico Regional, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Estados Unidos.
- Ph.D. en Economía, Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts, Boston, (2000)
- Economista, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Cum Laude (1993)
Publicaciones arbitradas
- Gutierrez, J and. O. Manzano, “The subnational resource curse: Theory and evidence” The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2019, Pages 261-266, Elsevier.
- Manzano, O and D. Vernon, 2018, “Oil in Belize: New Sector in a Young Country”, The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 5, Issue 3, July 2018, Pages 228-239, Elsevier.
- Manzano O., F. Navajas, A. Powell, 2017, The Economics of Natural Resources in Latin America: Taxation and Regulation of the Extractive Industries, Routledge Studies in Development Economics, Taylor & Francis Group LLC, New York.
- Espinasa, R., S. Guerra, E. ter Horst, O. Manzano, G. Molina, R. Rigobon, 2017, “A Micro-Based Model for World Oil Market”, Energy Economics Volume 66, August 2017, Pages 431-449.
- Hernandez, I and Osmel Manzano, 2016, “Diversification in Latin American Oil Exporters: Was No Intervention a Better Policy Option?”, in Mahroum, Sami and Yasser Al-Salehl, editors, 2016.
- Economic Diversification Policies in Natural Resource Rich Economies, Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics, Taylor & Francis Group LLC, New York.
- Manzano, Osmel, 2015, “Managing Hydrocarbon Assets: A Comparison across the Atlantic”, in Álvarez Pelegry, Eloy and Paul Isbell, editors, 2015, The Future of Energy in the Atlantic Basin, Center for Transatlantic Relations, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington.
- Manzano, Osmel, 2014, “From Dependency Theory to Local Governance: Evolution of the Research on Extractive Industries and Development” in Cruz Vieyra, Juan and Malaika Masson, editors, 2014.
- Transparent governance in an age of abundance: experiences from the extractive industries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington.
- Manzano, Osmel, 2013, “Venezuela after a Century of Oil Exploitation” in Hausmann, Ricardo and Francisco, Rodriguez, ed., 2013, Venezuela Before Chávez:Anatomy of an Economic Collapse.Penn-State University Press.
- Tordo Silvana, Michael Warner, Osmel Manzano and Yahya Anouti, 2013, Local Content in the Oil and Gas Sector, World Bank Study. World Bank.
- García, Gustavo, Osmel Manzano and Andrew Powell, 2013, “Taxing Commodities with the Future in Mind” in Corbacho, Ana, Vicente Fretes and Eduardo Lora, ed., 2013, More than Revenue: Taxation as a Development Tool, Inter-American Development Bank and Palgrave Macmillan.
- Manzano, Osmel, Francisco Monaldi, Jose Manuel Puente and Stefania Vitale, 2012, “Venezuela” in Anderson, George, ed., 2012, Oil and Gas in Federal Systems. Oxford University Press.
- Manzano, Osmel and Francisco Monaldi, (2010), “The Political Economy of Oil Contract Renegotiation in Venezuela” in Hogan, W. and F. Struzzenger, (2010), The Natural Resources Trap: Private Investment without Public Commitment, MIT Press, Cambridge.
- Manzano, Osmel and Francisco Monaldi, (2008), “The Political Economy of Oil Production in Latin America”, Economia, Vol. 9 No. 1, Brookings/LACEA Publications, Washington.
- Manzano, Osmel, 2008, “El rol de los Recursos Naturales en el Desarrollo de América Latina [The role of Natural Resources for Development in Latin America]”, in José Luis Machinea y Narcís Serra. (Eds.), Hacia un nuevo pacto social. Políticas económicas para un desarrollo integral en América Latina [Towards a new social pact. Economic policies for a comprehensive development in Latin America]. Santiago de Chile: Naciones Unidas. CEPAL; Barcelona: Fundación CIDOB, cop. 2008.
- Manzano, Osmel and Roberto Rigobon. 2006, “Resource Curse or Debt Overhang?” in Lederman, Daniel and William Maloney, ed., 2006, Natural Resources and Development: Neither Curse nor Destiny, Stanford University Press and The World Bank, Stanford.
- Jaramillo, Fidel and Osmel Manzano, 2001, “External Indebtness and Economic and Social Development”, in Franco, Andres, ed., 2001, Financing for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations Press, Tokyo.
- Profesor Adjunto (2019-actual) Walsh School of Foreign Service. Universidad de Georgetown, Estados Unidos.
- Profesor visitante (primavera 2018) Elliott School of International Affairs, Universidad de George Washington, Estados Unidos.
- Profesor Adjunto (2014-2018) McCourt School of Public Policy, Universidad de Georgetown, Estados Unidos.
- Profesor Adjunto (2005-2018) Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA)Visitante Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government. John F. Kennedy School of Government (2005-2006). Universidad de Harvard.
- Profesor adjunto y visitante (2005-2010) Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB).
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.
- Asesor Económico Regional. Región Andina (2018-actual)
- Asesor Económico Regional (2014-2018)
- Economista principal (2011-2013)
- Economista líder. Región Belize, América Central, México, Panamá y República Dominicana (2007-2013)
- Asistente de Dirección. Coordinación del Departamento de Investigación. (2006-2007)
- Coordinador del Programa de Apoyo a la Investigación en Temas de Desarrollo (2001-2005)
Corporación Andina de Fomento
- Economista Senior (2000-2001)
- 2005-2006: Investigador invitado en el programa Harvard-Repsol YPF.
- Primavera 2000: Centro de Investigación de Políticas Energéticas y Ambientales en el MIT.
- 1995-1999: Petróleos de Venezuela Beca de pregrado.
- March 1995: José Félix Ribas Premio a la excelencia académica del Gobierno Venezolano.
- 1989-1993: Petróleos de Venezuela, Beca de pregrado.